We are thrilled to announce that Stacey Shulman, E-RYT 500 will be facilitating a trauma-sensitive yoga series for those affected by traumatic events, and are in search of dynamic ways to improve your quality of life. Stacey is a Registered Yoga Therapist (500 hr), and is certified by The Trauma Center at JRI in Boston, MA as a facilitator of Trauma Sensitive
This program is a wonderful way to compliment psychotherapy on your journey of healing the painful, and, sometimes, paralyzing or numbing effects of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and other trauma related conditions. This supplemental work allows a safe space to experience your body in the present, and empowers you to make choices about your experience that are no longer dictated by past trauma. All classes in the November 10 - December 22 series will be held at The Peaceful Place in our group room. For more information, please click HERE. You may also read more about Stacey by visiting her website at www.tsyatlanta.com.
Please note: TSY classes are taught in a series format, and drop-ins will not be permitted. Also, there are no make-ups or refunds for missed classes. All participants and their therapists must sign a TSY Information form, and return to Stacey no later than the start of your first class.